viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

Our Book Fair was Amazing!

PROJECT: “Northfield Magazine: Written Communication in Different Cultures”
The students of Fifth Form worked in History and Language, in the research of written communication in five different cultures: Incas, Mayas, Aztecs, Roman Empire, Ancient Greece.
With the research papers we elaborated a magazine using I pad apps.
For the edition of the magazine we formed five working teams according to our personal skills and talents:
ü  Illustrations
ü  Edition
ü  Graphic Design
ü  Biographies
ü  Organization
Each team worked on its specific tasks with responsibility and dedication, always bearing in mind that the production of my teams was part of a global final product.

The result is this magazine entirely made by us which taught us about network and teamwork. Altogether we elaborated a quality product which combines many disciplines. During this project we learnt that our little or great contribution is an essential part of the whole.  

Thank All for Coming and Have a beautiful winter break!

Miss Caro

Here is the Qr code of our book for you to enjoy it.
We will carry on working with it after the break...

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Recorridos con Minecraft

Para generar un proceso de escritura creativa, les propuse a los alumnos de quinto que pensaran en algún juego que les gustaría utilizar para que luego, pudiéramos escribir creativamente.
Así nació la idea de usar el juego MINECRAFT en el cole.
A partir del mismo donde tuvieron que realizar recorridos y seguir consignas, como así también describir recorridos que realizaron. De forma colaborativa, pensamos, jugamos y creamos una propuesta que nos sirvió para generar un texto descriptivo.
Pero... A fin de cuentas...
¿Para qué nos sirvió el trabajo con Minecraft? ¿Qué aprendimos al usar un juego en el cole?

Un video que muestra nuestro recorrido...