jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015


Hello Children! you know that we will be having our Term Exams on the week of May 26th
The exams are a moment for you to do something special, to apply everything you have learnt, so enjoy them! do not panic or go crazy about them, it is just another step in the process...

If you want to review at home, these are the topics we have been dealing with:

Reading comprehension: read and understand non-fiction texts and answer questions in relation to its content. Give personal opinions

writing: write about a past event; use past tenses, appropiate structures, use pronouns and linking words. 

Remember this checklist when writing:
We are able to describe ourselves, write about our likes and dislikes, special moments and people who mean a lot to us.
We know how to divide our text into paragraphs.
We know what information we will include in each paragraph.
We can use connectors to link the paragraph together.

Some grammar points:

Comparatives and Superlatives

Have fun and show how much you know! 

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